Let’s try a different tack. It’s time to make an important change.

Originally, this website would be to share pictures of builds, recent products and to redirect everyone to my blog on Buy Me A Coffee. With the loss of the Amazon Affiliate partnership, that changed things. It wouldn’t be very effective to only show a few pics and just be a hub where you could find my other socials, so I’m going to make a bit of an adjustment. Actually, I’m going to make a major adjustment. It most likely won’t be the last, but its a start. I guess either different tack, or tact would apply here.

This will now be the home of my tech related blog. The non-tech stuff will stay on BMAC. The goal will be to post weekly and provide some additional thoughs and insight. It will be a chance to give a more in depth analysis that I can share in a ten to fifteen minute video. It also gives me a chance to go more in depth on several subjects. This blog won’t have the chance of being monetized, but that’s not a concern yet.

It will also be helpful to explain my methods and why certain things don’t get covered. If I’m using higher settings or more tests, or the opposite, I can explain why. It may also be a way to explore more subjects for videos. At the very least, I’ll use it to fill out what gets missed from the YT videos. It’s not perfect, but it helps, and it gives me room to grow.

So, expect to see more entries here and on Buy Me a Coffee. I’ll be able to provide extra insight here and better explain things that may be lacking from the video content. It may also give me a chance to link directly to the video so the support material matches. It will probably take some trial and error to get things running smoothly, but with any luck that will happen quickly. So, here we go.

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